Today marks three holidays in two countries across North America. In the United States, Columbus Day officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492.
In Canada, many nationals celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, a day in remembrance of the early European explorers who ventured into the New World.
At Bohten, we are in support of Indigenous Peoples' Day, a day to reflect and celebrate the heritage, culture and tribal roots of North America’s original inhabitants. While we are making strides to a more unified future, our goal is to bring awareness to the instrumental contributions and resilience of Indigenous people and their communities.
Starting today until November 11th, 20% of all proceeds from will be donated to Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc, a Canadian First Nations government whose members represent one of the largest of the 17 groups into which the Secwepemc (Shuswap) nation was divided when the Colony of British Columbia established an Indian reserve system in the 1860s. The contributions will be going towards helping language revitalization, cultural programs, and those whose children were taken to Kamloops Indian Residential School.
In an annual proclamation signed preceding the holidays, President Joe Biden referenced the "painful history of wrongs and atrocities" that explorers inflicted on tribal communities.
"It is a measure of our greatness as a Nation that we do not seek to bury these shameful episodes of our past -- that we face them honestly, we bring them to the light, and we do all we can to address them," the proclamation read.
Now we are asking you to join us in helping sustain the legacy of the Indigenous people who lived in these Western parts of the world long before colonization began. Through our promise of being "Better Every Day,” we invite you to join our mission to extend our support.