Caribbean World Traveller x Bôhten - Bôhten Eyewear

Caribbean World Traveller x Bôhten

Written By Alyssa Derrick From Global Gyal


I was first introduced to Bohten when I met Nana Boateng, the founder himself in Toronto. Fascinated by such a dedicated, driven young man, I did my research and purchased a pair of sunglasses. After that, I was hooked.

I’m not normally into fashion - I’m more of a t-shirt and shorts kind of a girl. But whenever I threw on my Bohten shades, I felt like I ‘leveled up’. And the compliments flooded in to prove it too.

Growing up in the Caribbean, I’m an island girl so the perfect shades are important to me. 

Nana’s introduction inspired me to build my own brand and do my own thing.Global Gyal is a brand dedicated to inspiring others to travel and get out of their comfort zone. Specifically geared to Caribbean people and its diaspora, my stories share my journeys to places like New Zealand, South Africa, Australia and so much more. 

Everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve brought my Bohten shades along and they’ve made the world of a difference. Remarks always end with “Where did you get those shades from?!”

The shades are a simple yet effective way to elevate my style, and I can’t wait for my next pair.

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