New Prescription glasses? Here is what you should expect
Each month, we feature a post on eye health and eye care written by our very own Bôhten Optometrist Dr. Henry. Providing insight on the dos and don'ts of eye care is our way of educating our community with the hope of improving eye health overall.
Whether you just got glasses for the first time, received a higher prescription, have a new lens type or lens coating, you are likely to experience a brief time of adjustment before you can wear your new glasses comfortably. As you adapt to your new glasses or lens type, it is likely you may:
- Feel a bit dizzy
- Notice some blurry vision
- Possibly feel some eye strain.
These symptoms are common with new glasses and typically last only a couple of days. However, you may also experience the following additional issues:
Distorted images: Where objects appear warped, bent, wavy or out of focus.
Depth perception: Difficulty in determining how near or far objects are. If you experience dizziness or nausea when wearing your new glasses, it is likely that you are also dealing with depth perception issues. During the period of adjustment, your depth perception may falter, which can be disorienting and make you feel dizzy.
Fishbowl effect: The feeling that what you are seeing is bent along the edges, as though you’re seeing the world through a fishbowl.
Eye strain: Your eyes may feel tired as they work to adjust to your new glasses.
Headaches and nausea: Any of the above symptoms can lead to headaches, nausea and dizziness. While you adapt to your new prescription, your eyes and brain have to work harder to see clearly through your new lenses. The more you strain to see, the more likely you are to get a headache. It is not unusual to have a headache the first day you wear your new prescription glasses, but if you’re still dealing with headaches after two or three days, we highly suggest you call your optometrist.
Most issues related to adjusting to new glasses resolve on their own after a few days, but for some people, the adjustment period can take up to two weeks. However, if you experience eye strain, distorted vision and especially headaches for more than two or three days, contact your optometrist. They may want to have you come in to take another look at your eyes, confirm that your glasses were made correctly or even recheck that your lens prescription is right for you.
The best way to help your eyes adjust during this period though is to wear your glasses regardless unless the discomfort is unbearable. Don’t go back and forth with your old glasses, even if your old pair is more comfortable. Whether your glasses are a new prescription or the same prescription with new lenses or new lens coatings, your eyes and brain should adjust soon to your new glasses. In a few days, you should see clearly, and your glasses should feel comfortable.
Are you interested in a new pair of glasses? Bohten offers all kinds of prescription and non-prescription lenses. Browse through our selection of frames today. We are happy to take your orders.