African (Adinkra) Symbol of the Month: Boa me na me mmoa wo means Coorporation and interdependence
Bôhten eyewear strives to improve sustainable living in Africa. To shed light on our African roots, we are introducing meaningful symbols from Ghana that focus on the importance of Ethics in the social environment.
Boa me na me mmoa wo
This month’s African Symbol of the month is called “Boa me na me mmoa wo”. It is an adinkra symbol that directly translates to “Help me and let me help you.” According to adinkra.org, it represents cooperation and interdependence.
This November, Bôhten celebrated 10 years in the eyewear industry. While this is not a small feat, our desire is to see more black-owned brands especially accomplish these types of milestones. Therefore, we decided to celebrate by sharing some of our industry and entrepreneurial insight on our platforms now and in the future. Bôhten would not have been successful without you - our supporters, our community, our friends. You helped us. So let us help you “Boa me na me mmoa wo”
This month’s anniversary blog post shares the first of many insights we learned on this Bôhten journey. Stay up to date on all Bôhten platforms to join in on our year long celebration, and get more tips and insight on our tough yet rewarding journey in entrepreneurship as a black-owned company.
Adinkra are visual symbols, originally created by the Gyaman (Ashanti) people of Ghana and the Ivory Coast. The symbols hold a great deal of meaning and not only present the rich Akan culture, but serve to communicate deep truths, wisdom and knowledge using imagery.
If you're curious to learn more about Adinkra symbols, you can find more about them here.