Beyond the Frames: How BlackVolta is changing the landscape of Ghanaian nightlife
Joseph Adjei, (better known as BlacVolta) is a multi talented Ghanaian creative and the founder of the creative startup, BlacVolta. The company is "...dedicated to capturing all the vibes when it comes to nightlife in Ghana through photography, videography or blogging.” A chartered Human Resources professional by day, Joseph operates one of Ghana’s most popular creative agencies that continues to cover some of the country’s largest events and nightlife. The agency captures events at clubs, bars, restaurants, art centers, and any other popular hangout spot then showcases them on the international stage through social media platforms and podcasts. Since it began, BlacVolta has tapped into a niche market and is helping to shift how businesses and the world see Ghanaian nightlife. It's exposed an ever growing need in the entertainment industry that BlacVolta intends to conquer.
We sat down with Joseph to find out more about his life growing up, the inspiration behind his creative startup and the impact its had on himself and his community. Let’s dive right into his story in this month’s Beyond the Frames feature.
1. Were you always creative as a child growing up? How did you express it throughout your childhood & adolescent journey?
"Yup, I used to sew, do pottery, fence, and play tennis. I was a big fan of outdoor activities."
2. What were you doing before BlacVolta came to being?
"I was and still am in corporate. I am a chartered HR professional."
3. Tell us about the moment or situation that made you think “Ahaa! This would be a great idea.”
"I have been documenting every single day of my life for the past 7 years. So what I did was dump all the photos and videos of places I went on an instagram page. At the same time, I also realized there wasn’t a lot of data on nightlife in Ghana, so I decided to start in my own small way. The name BlacVolta came about as an epiphany when I was crossing the Adomi bridge."
4. Growing up, did you ever imagine you’d be an entrepreneur?
"Yes. Time is my most important resource & I realized I would never be successful if I rented out my time."
5. Talk to us more about your company BlacVolta - what makes it different from any media/creative company?
"BlacVolta essentially documents nightlife through photography, videography, live vlogging and podcasts. It’s different because there is absolutely no firm in the world that is giving you live updates at an event in real time. With BlacVolta also, the main focus is on nightlife. It’s a one stop shop for everything nightlife so I guess it’s a niche offering that you won’t find anywhere."
6. What has been the most rewarding part of the journey so far? And also the most challenging?
"Most rewarding is working with talented people and also slowly changing the landscape especially in terms of the business side of being a creative whilst in nightlife. No challenges yet."
7. Is there anyone that’s influenced you throughout your life journey? Who were they and what was that impact?
"My Parents. They made me realize life isn’t linear."
8. How has your own creativity and the innovation of your business impacted your community?
"Business owners can now make informed designs around their businesses because now they have access to information and creatives. They’re seeing what competition is doing and are tailoring their product offerings to suit their clientele. A lot more investment is coming into nightlife from both local and foreign investors based on all the data and content being put out by BlacVolta."
9. What goals do you have for BlacVolta in the next 10 years?
"The number one name in entertainment globally."
10. What’s one piece of advice you would give to up-and-coming creatives in Ghana?
"I’ll give three: 1. Gain specific knowledge, 2. Follow your passion and be steadfast and 3. Trust in God."
11. How can people connect with you to learn more about your work?
@blacvolta on all social media platforms - Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and YouTube. BlacVolta Nightlife podcast on Apple and Spotify
Congratulations to BlacVolta for catapulting Ghana's nightlife on to the world stage and for continuing to provide a platform for creatives, culture, music and businesses to thrive. Thank you for sharing your story with the Bôhten family. We also wish BlacVolta a happy belated birthday as he celebrated another year around the sun a few days ago.
Keep up with Bôhten's Beyond the Frames Series on our blog.